Security Awareness Training
Continuous updated education that helps your team identify and stop a potential cyberattack
Continuous updated education that helps your team identify and stop a potential cyberattack
HI Tech Hui’s Employee security awareness training program will reduce your organization’s risk of human-related data breaches and malware attacks. Your employees will be more confident, secure, and efficient in ensuring that your systems are safe from social engineering attempts.
Take your employees from a stage where they are blissfully unaware of their security incompetence to a stage where they practice security skills like a pattern-based behavior (similar to brushing your teeth).
Getting users to the Skilled Stage with constant training and simulation cultivates the kind of
behavior that can protect you from a breach.
Old-school awareness training does not hack it anymore. Your email filters have an average 7-10% failure rate; you need a strong human firewall as your last line of defense.
Your business can save money and time today with HI Tech Hui’s managed services, managed security services, network solutions, IT support, cybersecurity solutions and more. Get Started today!
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